As I have been working on my essay it has been kind of difficult to find an arguable claim considering dictionaries, as outlined in Dr. Burtons thesis powerpoint. I was although, able to connect it quite easily to the learning outcomes. In looking through the outcomes for a connection, the third one, communicating knowledge, basically popped out at me. The words preserved, communicated, and experienced seemed to help define my stance on the dictionary and the different things I have learned historically and personally.
The dictionary is a very important part of preserving knowledge. Through various time periods the dictionary helped to either stabilize and create rules within language or to continue that knowledge through translations into different languages. Without it, certain words may be lost or original meanings of those words may be lost. Without it, certain languages may be lost without correct interpretations.
Besides preservation, the dictionary has also helped to communicate knowledge. By having all the words of our language in one place, we are able to accurately and efficiently communicate knowledge to others. This is even more so true when dealing with translation dictionaries. Through them, there is the ability to teach others or even self-teach onself through the communication of the dictionary. Without it, legitimacy would be lost and it would be hard to understand different aspects of the language without the official, documentation of words, spelling and meanings.
Along with these, experience also plays a huge role in the history of the dictionary. It has been able to progress through the input and added entries of other. Since the basis of the first dictionary, lexicographers have been able to steadil build upon dictionaries as they went, improving it and adapting it while also maintaining the quality of the language. This is also evident in translation dictionaries. Different authors gain experience as they progress and try out different techniques and words. Some choose to include "slang" or "cant" words while others keep to the traditional words of the language.
Overall, the dictionary has been through many things and has helped me see how knowledge has progressed and been maintained throughout the centuries. Knowledge is something that will always continue in whatever form it can take and the dictionary is only one of those neverending forms.
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