Monday, September 12, 2011

"Everything's Amazing & Nobody's Happy"

A friend showed me this clip the other day and I immediately thought: "I need to put this on our blog!"

It makes you really wonder if we DO take technology/knowledge for granted. We talked one day in our group about how the "old way" of doing things (i.e. the cotton gin, the letter press, candles) are now only hobbies. They seem to be done only nostalgically. The comic Louis C. K. comments that many people take cell phones and airplanes for granted sometimes. I am certainly guilty of that at times. Before my mission I thought I could never live without a cell phone and a laptop, but my mission made me get over that for the most part.

In connecting this clip to the father tongue and the mother tongue, he mentions only how we take the sophisticated father tongue for granted. But do we ever take the mother tongue for granted? I suppose LeGuin argues that we most certainly do. She states that those living in the father tongue have "stone ears" to the mother tongue.

Have you ever taken the mother tongue for granted?


  1. Loved the video, definitely appropriate for this unit. It really makes you realize how the world has advanced and also makes you wonder how? How did such a transformation from walking to flying take place? It's amazing to think about. Especially after learning of folk knowledge and its influences. These advances didn't come from a text book, they had to experiment and learn.

  2. Cultural liquidity...this reminds me of the CES talk on Sunday. How do changes in our attitudes happen without us realizing it? Is our culture captained by media moguls who deliberately break down these barriers, or is it the nature of the Internet and its attendant knowledge institutions?
